شركة بيولاب فارما ايجى وكلاء كبرى الشركات العالميه المتخصصة فى ادوات التشخيص المعملى لامراض الدواجن و الابقار و الاغنام للـوقاية من الامراض وزيادة الانتاجية و الكشف عن متبقيات المضادات الحيوية و السموم الفـطرية فى الالبان و علف الحيوان و مسببات الحساسيه وتعديلات الجينيه فى غـذاء الانسان بيـولاب فارما ايجـى شركة ذات قدرة على الاستمرارية و النمو المدروس و خدمات ما بعد البيع المميزة بفريق مميز وخبراء اجانب لكى نكون الشريك الاول للعميل
Biolab Pharma Egy is a leading company in the Egyptian market in the field of diagnostic kits.
The company was founded in 1995 by Dr. Emad Abdel Aziz, PHD in poultry diseases.
We highly care about animal health, increasing their productivity and insuring the precise diagnosis for livestock, milk and feed. Providing services and high-quality products for lab diagnostic solutions through our expert team and after sales services is our strategy to build a highly trusted relation with our selective clients to be the first partner for the client.
The company represents top profile companies producing Elisa kits, PCR and Antigens.
Our Mission
Serving our clients with the highest means of proficiency to get their appeal and trust. Highly qualified technical and sales team is attainable to the clients all time.
Our Vision
To be the most leading and reputable company in the field of veterinary lab diagnostic solutions to attain the highest quality in animal health, food and feed safety.

Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction